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Listen to the latest episode of the Emerald Wit & Wisdom Podcast (06/12/24)


Good morning.

Stocks are showing slight gains this morning, which is quite a relief to investors fearful that last week’s declines would continue. Of course, this does not mean the bleeding has ended … but at least we are starting out on a positive note.

Of course, the big news this weekend was the announcement that President Biden will be ending his campaign … with the result of (as Sam Stovall puts it, quoting CFRA’s political arm) “ … the possibility of a Republican sweep, or wave … reduced, but not eliminated…”  What does this mean?  Uncertainty.  And those who invested based on what is called the “Trump trade” will more closely be watching the polls in the months ahead.

On top of this, Daily Shot reports economists are sensing a slowdown in consumer spending in the U.S. … but this might be helped if the market view that we will see rate cuts of 50 bps (0.5%) before the year is out, comes to pass. There is even hope, by many, of 3 declines … but that might just be wishful thinking.

There is some interesting news in the housing markets as AEI Housing Center reports a rise in active listings.  While higher mortgage rates have long been cited as a reason for people to stay in their homes, Torsten Slok put out a chart showing close to 40% of all homes do not have a mortgage at all … which might lead to conclude that the reason “downsizers” are not moving is not because they don’t want to pay a higher mortgage but, instead, because higher rates could be making the home they desire to sell, less affordable for many.  Sorry for the ridiculous run-on sentence.  I’ll blame the espresso.  My point is that a drop in conventional mortgage rates to the 5-6% range (which could happen if rates drop as expected) could open up a lot of possibilities.

The most interesting item I saw this morning had to do with medicine and Bloomberg is questioning if we are prepared (from a medical perspective) for the next pandemic?  Why?  The Department of Health and Human Services looks at med-school intentions and … pediatrics, family medicine and internal medicine don’t hold a candle to salary-seeking students who, instead, are choosing the field of plastic surgery … due to a vast difference in salary.

That will wrap things up for today as I finish a conversation with my son.

It seems the kids of today (like us when we were young) are convinced they are so much smarter than the previous generation.

I am quick to point out his car owner’s manual.

30 years ago the owner’s manual showed how to adjust the valves.

… today, this page has been replaced with a warning telling the owner not to drink the contents of the car battery.

Have a great day,

Joseph G. Witthohn, CFA
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A Look At The News July 22, 2024

As of 10:00 AM today

The computer outage of last week was, obviously, much more than a blip … and some (including airlines) are still having major issues (CNN)

Dynamic pricing has gained traction in recent years but AI has helped companies even further, as promotions are targeted only towards specific customers (CNN)

Countries recognize the importance of saving land to head off the extinction of a few species.  But it will take coordination to protect areas with the most importance (ScienceAlert)

What kind of study is this? Science is now telling us that sitting on a couch is good for your health. This is great news as I can’t wait to sit down, turn on the TV and get some exercise (GraziaMag)

… but retirement is no longer thought of as sitting on your porch and watching the world go by, as seniors are more active than ever … and that is a good thing (FastCompany)

While often marketed as a social thing to do, drinking (or, actually, too much drinking) can have some damaging effects (USAToday)


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