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Listen to the latest episode of the Emerald Wit & Wisdom Podcast (06/12/24)

Good morning.

While pausing so far this morning, the S&P achieved another intraday record yesterday … continuing its habit of hitting new highs (which happened more than 50 times in 2024).

But the big question is if rate-cut hesitancy on the part of the Fed will drive investors to the sidelines … as most economists, strategists, and people sitting at home streaming shows feel there will be no change announced during the FOMC meeting taking place in less than one week.
Along these lines, the team at Morgan Stanley Research is giving the view that there will be one rate cut in the first part of this year … and then there will be a pause until well into the second half of 2026.

Active home listings are on the increase, according to AEI Housing Center, though this comes at the same time mortgage demand has slowed.  So, if supply is up … and demand is not keeping pace … will home prices actually start to fall?  That might not be crippling … for Redfin reports that homes saw a 4.6% year-over-year price gain … and every one of the top 50 metropolitan areas had prices gains.

I heard the recent “drill, baby, drill” comments … which grew a bit louder over the last few days … but found interesting a note by Gavekal Research as their claim is we already have record highs in oil and gas produced … and an increase in production will not occur unless there is close to a 30% increase in the prices of gas and oil.

My note is a bit shorter than usual this morning.  No, I don’t have some big meetings to attend to, nor do I have mounds of paperwork with a pressing deadline. My note this morning is a little short for one simple reason.

I am lazy.

One other bit of news caught my eye for two reasons.  First of all, when it was proposed it sounded so ridiculous that I thought it was from a satire page. Secondly, it is interesting … as I find everything about elephants to be intriguing.

Per the last article below, there was an attempt to have elephants classified as “human” … which would have allowed them to “sue” in order to gain their freedom from a Colorado zoo.

While the news will be met with a great deal of elephant sadness once word gets around, the elephants did hire an elephant lawyer to defend them … and it didn’t cost a great deal

… as he agreed to work for peanuts.

Have a great day,

Joseph G. Witthohn, CFA

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A Look At The News | January 23, 2025

As of 11:01 AM today:
What happens when you pay just the minimum on your credit cards?  Nothing much … other than payments that seem to last a lifetime.  That’s because rates are ridiculous (CNBC)


A few were shocked to find they are “following” Donald Trump on Instagram, but shouldn’t be alarmed. It is only because POTUS accounts change with a new administration (CNBC)


With “AI” being all the rage at Davos this week, I read about concern expressed by Nouriel Roubini over humanoid robots.  He feels the same way about AI as this 2003 article shows (Cirsd)–issue-no24/the-ai-threat


Do you know you should not just put old clothes in with your normal trash?  The better choices are to either donate or recycle them (ReasonsToBeCheerful)


… but there are ways to make some garments last a long time. Do you often take suits to the dry cleaners? That will limit its life (ArtofManliness)


So … it has been decided that elephants are not people … which will greatly upset some elephants if they find out about this decision by reading it in the newspaper (CourthouseNews)


The statements above are supplied for educational purposes only. The statements depict the viewpoints and opinion of the author and are not necessarily the views of Emerald Asset Management or its affiliates. The information described herein is taken from sources which are believed to be reliable, but the accuracy and completeness of such information is not guaranteed by us.