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Listen to the latest episode of the Emerald Wit & Wisdom Podcast (06/12/24)

Good morning.

Markets are little changed as investors are in a very nervous wait-and-see mode as Nvidia reports tonight.  Why is this important?  Well, the market cap of this one company makes it one of the top components of the S&P500 (some sites put it at #2, others at #3) … and a report by Reuters claims there could be “… a $300 Billion Dollar swing” … based on today’s report.  How large is that?  A report on MSN calculates that it has the potential to cause “… the largest expected earnings move for any company in history.”

Yes, this could be a very big deal.

An article out this morning (and included below) mentions, based on Fidelity claims, that an historically large number of people are now millionaires … as far as their 401k balances are concerned.  And if you add the article following that one, where a majority of Americans feel they would be “financially happy” with $200,000 liquid net worth, you might understand the angst over today’s late-date earnings report … as people assess how this could hit them right where it hurts.  In the pocketbook.

For our CFA-related message of today, there is something called “loss-aversion theory” … a cognitive bias where people feel much greater pain over losing $1 than the satisfaction they feel in gaining $1.  According to theory, this is why a lot of people make quick (and sometimes irrational) investment decisions as even small declines are magnified in their minds.

Why I bring this up is the effect today’s announcement could have on portfolios … as a good report could find many investors not making any moves at all … while a bad report, and subsequent drop in price, could find quite a few retail investors selling positions as the pain they feel (if more than a mild drop) could be too much for them to accept.

On a final note, I will continue along the lines of demographics that I started on yesterday where I pointed out a large amount of money will end up in the hands of women … due to inheritance and the longevity situation in the United States.

But I figured out something that I think is really ingenious.

I read that the average woman has an expectation to live to the age of 84.

I also read that the average man expects to live to the age of 79.  So I’ve come to a decision.

When I turn 78, I am going to consider transitioning.

Have a great day,

Joseph G. Witthohn, CFA

Have any questions? Please contact





A Look At The News | August 28, 2024

As of 11:03 AM today:

As of 11:03 AM today:
Stocks are, again, near record territory … even with the one-day slump seen earlier this month … and the related investor confidence has Goldman Sachs concerned (CNBC)


… but the markets have really helped those with money in a 401k, as quite a few can now claim the title of “millionaire.” (CNN)


… even so, it doesn’t take that much to make people feel happy about what they have accumulated, as a couple of thousand dollars put many in the comfort area (USAToday)


One of the things long promised and not yet perfected is the Tesla self-driving vehicle.  The cars do drive on their own … but safety issues are a growing concern (APNews)


Plastic is of growing concern and one area where it has been accepted (especially for parents with young kids) is in Lego products. This is being resolved, though at higher prices (Reuters)


Here we are in late August … and temperatures will be hitting the mid-90s.  Will this heat situation continue through the fall? (CNN)


The statements above are supplied for educational purposes only. The statements depict the viewpoints and opinion of the author and are not necessarily the views of Emerald Asset Management or its affiliates. The information described herein is taken from sources which are believed to be reliable, but the accuracy and completeness of such information is not guaranteed by us.